Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Unbridled Fun

Our new project is beginning, and its a large-group Indie-themed project where we're not allowed to use any AAA memes or themes from games. The purpose of the game we're supposed to make is entertainment.

Wow, you might think, Jake really lucked out! A large team making a game whose only purpose is fun?

Yes and no.

Yes, I did luck out because my team is totally awesome. Andrew, Zeph, Cody, Imaginary Jason, Broken Jason, Nick, Damian, and Yang. I don't think I could ask for a more baller team if I paid somebody. Everyone on the team is confident and hardworking, and I look forward to being a part of this.

No, I did not luck out because despite what you might think, large teams and barely any restrictions do not make the game design easier. They make it much, much harder. Every team yesterday came out of their brainstorming session with a hazy look and not much to show for it. Having a large team with no restrictions means that you have to slog through all the ideas that every member of your large team wants to and doesn't want to do before reaching even a beginning idea for what you want your game to be.

Don't get me wrong, I definitely added my share of unused ideas to the pot that we collectively discarded. It's just a hard situation. After about three hours we came up with a physics based Dynasty Warrior based game where you can explode enemies or push/pull them to do damage to them. It should be fun, and Unity looks really easy to code with.

...almost too easy.

I'm concerned about memory management with Unity after watching Triston make a ball jump around by simply dragging a ball into the game world and pressing 'go'. We'll see how things work out.

More on creating a custom path for myself through the EAE course later.

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