Thursday, October 30, 2014

Graphic art

It's not that I didn't have a great deal of respect for graphic artists before I started a website, but I now have an immense respect for them.

One of the nice things about taking care of Harrison is that I'm able to take things a lot slower in terms of job hunting. Before Janice got a job I would have considered spending this much time trying to figure out a website layout a waste of time. However, now I have the luxury of really learning how things work, and that involves my weakest skill set: art.

I've spent the past week throwing all kinds of different patterns and colors up on the website layout that I posted last week, and did a lot of research with professionally-made websites to really look at what kinds of colors and layouts they have. I took screenshots of a variety of high-profile websites, and paid extra attention to websites trying to sell a person, like politician or mid-level celebrity websites. I'm still working on the layout, but by borrowing a couple color schemes and mixing and matching, I think I've made some progress.

This might not look like a week's worth of work, and that's because it isn't. The majority of my week has been spent trying to learn graphic design just by observation, and this is the fruit of it. Even though it's not fantastic, I'm quite pleased with my budding skill with making things look good visually all on my own.

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