Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Steam Greenlight

So, it looks like Cyber Heist is finally getting ready to be on Steam Greenlight.

By "ready", I mean that our entire team has finally agreed to start the process. Cyber Heist has had a lot of trials in the legal area, mostly because the default legal structure for the game is 14 separate sole proprietors. It's very difficult to get anything done.

Really, as long as the decision to give decision-making powers to the LLC is made once, the headache of getting a 14-way contract signed never has to be dealt with again, and we can actually start to do things with Cyber Heist. Unfortunately, we just passed the one-year anniversary of when I started trying to make this happen. There are certain people who really don't want a company to be formed around Cyber Heist, and it only takes one person in a 14-way contract to break the deal.

I'm really not sure if it'll ever happen. I suppose the lesson that I've learned from all of this is "choose your teammates wisely".

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